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Generate New Api Key Themeforest Free
-->The Reporting APIs enable Enterprise Azure customers to programmatically pull consumption and billing data into preferred data analysis tools. Enterprise customers have signed an Enterprise Agreement (EA) with Azure to make negotiated monetary commitments and gain access to custom pricing for Azure resources.
All date and time parameters required for APIs must be represented as combined Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values. Values returned by APIs are shown in UTC format.
Enabling data access to the API
- Generate or retrieve the API key - Log in to the Enterprise portal, and navigate to Reports > Download Usage > API Access Key to generate or retrieve the API key.
- Passing keys in the API - The API key needs to be passed for each call for Authentication and Authorization. The following property needs to be to the HTTP headers
Request Header Key | Value |
Authorization | Specify the value in this format: bearer {API_KEY} Example: bearer eyr..09 |
Consumption APIs
A Swagger endpoint is available here for the APIs described below which should enable easy introspection of the API and the ability to generate client SDKs using AutoRest or Swagger CodeGen. Data beginning May 1, 2014 is available through this API.
Balance and Summary - The Balance and Summary API offers a monthly summary of information on balances, new purchases, Azure Marketplace service charges, adjustments and overage charges.
Usage Details - The Usage Detail API offers a daily breakdown of consumed quantities and estimated charges by an Enrollment. The result also includes information on instances, meters and departments. The API can be queried by Billing period or by a specified start and end date.
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Marketplace Store Charge - The Marketplace Store Charge API returns the usage-based marketplace charges breakdown by day for the specified Billing Period or start and end dates (one time fees are not included).
Price Sheet - The Price Sheet API provides the applicable rate for each Meter for the given Enrollment and Billing Period.
Reserved Instance Details - The Reserved Instance usage API returns the usage of the Reserved Instance purchases. The Reserved Instance charges API shows the billing transactions made.
Data Freshness
Etags will be returned in the response of all the above API. A change in Etag indicates the data has been refreshed. In subsequent calls to the same API using the same parameters, pass the captured Etag with the key 'If-None-Match' in the header of http request. The response status code would be 'NotModified' if the data has not been refreshed any further and no data will be returned. API will return the full dataset for the required period whenever there is an etag change.
Helper APIs
List Billing Periods - The Billing Periods API returns a list of billing periods that have consumption data for the specified Enrollment in reverse chronological order. Each Period contains a property pointing to the API route for the four sets of data - BalanceSummary, UsageDetails, Marketplace Charges, and Price Sheet.
Google Api Key
API Response Codes
Api Key Steam
Response Status Code | Message | Description |
200 | OK | No error |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid params – Date ranges, EA numbers etc. |
401 | Unauthorized | API Key not found, Invalid, Expired etc. |
404 | Unavailable | Report endpoint not found |
429 | TooManyRequests | The request was throttled. Retry after waiting for the time specified in the x-ms-ratelimit-microsoft.consumption-retry-after header. |
500 | Server Error | Unexpected error processing request |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The service is temporarily unavailable. Retry after waiting for the time specified in the Retry-After header. |